Crystarium Kitchen Hanger

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 5/12/23 4:53:11 AM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

24 5,249 5,249 5,420 4,998 21,683 4 6.00

Level 77 Armorer Recipe for Crystarium Kitchen Hanger

Earth Crystal 7 68 476 2/24/25 5:23:33 PM
Titanbronze Nugget 2 104 208 10/8/23 8:34:31 AM
Titanbronze Ingot 4 733 2,932 2/6/24 11:33:38 PM
Cobalt Rivets 2 1,469 2,938 6/19/23 12:58:31 AM
Ice Crystal 7 59 413 2/24/25 5:23:10 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 6,967

Profit/Loss Normal = -3,177

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Ice Crystal
Earth Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Crystarium Kitchen Hanger on Primal

Behemoth 6,300 21 0 6,300 6,888 -880 6,888 6,888 1 5/23/23 12:53:18 AM
Excalibur 4,174 9 0 4,174 3,974 1,246 3,987 19,874 5 6/24/23 3:47:38 AM
Exodus 15,749 11 0 15,749 13,699 -10,329 15,000 68,498 5 6/8/23 10:56:23 AM
Famfrit 3,370 16 0 3,370 3,104 2,050 3,200 15,520 5 4/26/23 6:42:07 AM
Hyperion 5,249 24 0 5,249 5,420 171 4,998 21,683 4 5/12/23 4:53:11 AM
Lamia 2,625 27 0 2,625 2,499 2,795 2,499 12,497 5 6/1/23 3:54:09 AM
Leviathan 47,145 8 0 47,145 0 0 0 0 0 4/5/23 3:52:06 PM
Ultros 5,249 24 0 5,249 4,559 171 4,999 22,799 5 6/4/23 7:50:05 AM