Mighty Thunderstroke

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 6/24/23 2:32:17 PM
Search Category: Samurai's Arms | Item Category: Samurai's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 236
More Information

Gathering info:

4 125,790 125,790 126,000 110,371 119,795 441,484 4 1.00

Level 50 Blacksmith Recipe for Mighty Thunderstroke

Lightning Cluster 4 115 460 2/24/25 5:24:51 PM
Gold Ingot 1 14 14 6/11/24 8:21:10 PM
Aqueous Whetstone 1 668 668 5/2/23 8:08:04 PM
Ancient Lumber 1 7,900 7,900 8/2/23 12:32:58 AM
Wolfram Ingot 3 2,999 8,997 9/24/23 2:27:36 AM
Large Levin Orb 1 8,819 8,819 6/27/23 10:59:12 AM
Battlecraft Demimateria III 5 490 2,450 6/9/24 1:56:32 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 29,308

Profit/Loss Normal = 120,928

Profit/Loss HQ = 60,792

Desynthesizes into:

Battlecraft Demimateria III
Lightning Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Mighty Thunderstroke on Primal

Behemoth 120,740 3 120,740 0 71,919 -10,369 64,000 431,516 6 6/20/23 12:55:33 AM
Excalibur 111,288 6 111,288 0 109,745 -917 105,986 438,980 4 6/2/23 3:42:34 PM
Exodus 84,252 3 84,252 0 79,314 26,119 78,390 158,629 2 5/16/23 6:59:49 AM
Famfrit 73,500 6 73,500 0 68,332 36,871 69,999 204,998 3 6/18/23 7:37:13 AM
Hyperion 125,790 4 125,790 126,000 110,371 -15,419 119,795 441,484 4 6/24/23 2:32:17 PM
Lamia 72,890 9 72,890 0 69,418 37,481 69,419 485,932 7 5/17/23 6:48:14 PM
Leviathan 94,492 3 94,492 0 92,398 15,879 94,994 461,992 5 4/19/23 5:12:06 AM
Ultros 206,844 4 206,844 2,100,000 54,499 -96,473 59,000 217,999 4 5/29/23 7:33:18 PM