Carbuncle Bed

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 6/9/23 11:57:55 PM
Search Category: Chairs and Beds | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

16 2,498 2,498 2,449 2,500 9,799 4 4.00

Level 56 Weaver Recipe for Carbuncle Bed

Wind Crystal 4 63 252 2/17/25 3:12:47 PM
Lightning Crystal 5 45 225 2/17/25 3:13:03 PM
Star Ruby 4 19 76 6/19/24 5:15:13 PM
Hallowed Chestnut Lumber 2 1,300 2,600 6/15/24 8:24:35 PM
Hallowed Ramie Cloth 2 220 440 5/3/23 8:06:47 AM
Rainbow Thread 2 769 1,538 6/15/24 1:47:51 PM
Rainbow Cotton Boll 4 340 1,360 2/10/25 3:07:29 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 6,491

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,791

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Carbuncle Bed on Primal

Behemoth 1,835 22 0 1,835 2,107 614 1,747 12,644 6 6/4/23 3:02:07 AM
Excalibur 2,100 17 0 2,100 1,954 349 1,995 9,773 5 6/3/23 7:56:40 PM
Exodus 2,095 11 0 2,095 2,009 354 1,200 16,076 8 5/1/23 2:34:59 PM
Famfrit 2,100 9 0 2,100 2,739 349 2,900 13,699 5 5/9/23 1:51:02 AM
Hyperion 2,498 16 0 2,498 2,449 -49 2,500 9,799 4 6/9/23 11:57:55 PM
Lamia 2,519 21 0 2,519 1,480 -70 1,900 7,400 5 6/8/23 11:57:29 PM
Leviathan 3,673 6 0 3,673 1,808 -1,224 3,400 18,083 10 9/18/23 6:29:47 PM
Ultros 1,574 23 0 1,574 1,299 875 1,500 6,498 5 6/21/23 11:59:59 AM