Combed Wool Rug

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 2/24/23 1:42:51 PM
Search Category: Rugs | Item Category: Rug | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

100 26,198 26,198 21,385 24,949 791,257 37 2.70

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Combed Wool Rug

Wind Crystal 2 62 124 2/24/25 5:23:22 PM
Lightning Crystal 3 45 135 2/24/25 5:23:50 PM
Wool Top 2 19 38 1/21/23 11:39:38 PM
Woolen Yarn 8 350 2,800 2/9/25 4:16:50 PM
Jute Yarn 2 18,664 37,328 6/19/23 9:39:44 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 40,425

Profit/Loss Normal = -38,426

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Combed Wool Rug on Primal

Behemoth 17,140 52 0 17,140 14,662 4,245 17,140 293,240 20 4/14/23 3:15:46 AM
Excalibur 2,897 100 0 2,897 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 3:47:12 PM
Exodus 22,997 100 0 22,997 24,920 -1,612 22,998 996,820 40 6/26/22 12:01:54 PM
Famfrit 29,400 34 0 29,400 18,692 -8,015 19,150 186,921 10 2/27/23 4:40:49 PM
Hyperion 26,198 100 0 26,198 21,385 -4,813 24,949 791,257 37 2/24/23 1:42:51 PM
Lamia 36,740 100 0 36,740 67,680 -15,355 35,000 3,113,294 46 2/28/23 2:56:27 PM
Leviathan 13,808 100 0 13,808 19,107 7,577 13,150 1,184,654 62 2/28/23 2:54:25 PM
Ultros 12,758 100 0 12,758 29,994 8,627 19,998 959,831 32 2/24/23 6:42:08 PM