Baked Onion Soup

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 6/9/24 1:24:49 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 12
More Information

Gathering info:

86 699 2,750 699 1,090 650 50,155 46 1.90

Level 52 Culinarian Recipe for Baked Onion Soup

Cyclops Onion 3 990 2,970 2/13/25 3:17:35 PM
Water Crystal 3 65 195 2/24/25 5:24:05 PM
Knight's Bread 1 8 8 12/18/21 1:34:27 PM
Cream Cheese 1 30 30 2/17/25 3:15:45 PM
Chicken Stock 1 69 69 2/13/25 3:30:40 PM
Volcanic Rock Salt 1 199 199 9/7/24 2:51:07 PM
Fire Crystal 3 58 174 2/24/25 5:22:59 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,645

Profit/Loss Normal = -565

Profit/Loss HQ = -315

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Baked Onion Soup on Primal

Behemoth 2,625 3 2,625 0 1,002 -1,535 1,000 9,021 9 9/12/23 4:04:12 PM
Excalibur 498 44 2,999 498 1,504 592 233 45,143 30 4/27/24 1:45:53 AM
Exodus 898 330 4,999 898 835 192 949 213,051 255 11/18/21 5:48:19 PM
Famfrit 1,050 245 1,050 0 1,029 40 1,000 7,209 7 6/19/23 10:48:46 PM
Hyperion 699 86 2,750 699 1,090 391 650 50,155 46 6/9/24 1:24:49 PM
Lamia 1,039 40 2,625 1,039 2,500 51 2,000 15,000 6 6/10/23 11:47:00 PM
Leviathan 473 73 578 473 558 617 550 20,100 36 6/10/23 12:51:53 AM
Ultros 473 34 525 473 3,381 617 5,000 27,052 8 5/3/23 10:53:02 AM