Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 9/21/24 8:28:39 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

107 1,949 2,000 1,949 1,560 1,949 37,453 24 4.50

Level 58 Alchemist Recipe for Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink

Aurum Regis Sand 4 380 1,520 2/8/25 3:48:09 AM
Dragon Blood 2 109 218 2/9/24 3:11:18 PM
Abalathian Spring Water 1 100 100 6/5/24 1:52:45 AM
Water Crystal 5 65 325 2/24/25 5:24:05 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,163

Profit/Loss Normal = -214

Profit/Loss HQ = -761

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink on Primal

Behemoth 4,400 33 4,800 4,400 4,353 -2,840 4,900 152,359 35 4/26/24 8:09:40 PM
Excalibur 1,101 94 2,000 1,101 2,981 459 3,000 62,603 21 5/7/23 1:38:37 AM
Exodus 934 464 987 934 921 626 777 88,480 96 2/27/23 3:19:40 PM
Famfrit 3,150 35 4,195 3,150 3,519 -1,590 3,295 28,153 8 9/13/23 11:56:33 AM
Hyperion 1,949 107 2,000 1,949 1,560 -389 1,949 37,453 24 9/21/24 8:28:39 AM
Lamia 4,800 132 4,800 4,899 0 0 0 0 0 4/3/23 12:01:49 AM
Leviathan 3,045 57 4,100 3,045 5,449 -1,485 5,555 103,531 19 2/19/23 11:06:19 PM
Ultros 2,940 75 2,940 3,045 3,007 -1,380 4,000 189,484 63 2/23/23 8:00:18 AM