Dhalmelskin Grimoire

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 6/3/22 5:47:08 PM
Search Category: Arcanist's Arms | Item Category: Arcanist's Grimoire | Sell price to vendor: 285
More Information

Gathering info:

4 29,500 29,500 13,910 29,000 111,285 8 0.50

Level 55 Alchemist Recipe for Dhalmelskin Grimoire

Lightning Crystal 4 45 180 2/24/25 5:23:50 PM
Hardsilver Nugget 1 498 498 6/13/24 11:10:32 PM
Dhalmel Leather 2 1,300 2,600 6/15/24 1:45:04 PM
Enchanted Hardsilver Ink 1 4,300 4,300 6/9/24 10:09:16 PM
Water Crystal 4 65 260 2/24/25 5:24:05 PM
Spinel 1 210 210 6/13/22 11:45:01 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,048

Profit/Loss Normal = -763

Profit/Loss HQ = 20,952

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Dhalmelskin Grimoire on Primal

Behemoth 14,900 9 14,900 0 15,218 -990 14,888 30,436 2 3/28/22 2:11:49 AM
Excalibur 10,000 11 10,000 40,000 20,866 3,910 16,500 396,461 19 11/1/21 11:48:47 PM
Exodus 44,299 5 44,299 0 14,685 -30,389 45,000 161,545 11 10/21/21 4:49:11 AM
Famfrit 8,285 5 25,500 8,285 6,464 5,625 12,000 71,107 11 5/31/22 3:24:49 PM
Hyperion 29,500 4 29,500 0 13,910 -15,590 29,000 111,285 8 6/3/22 5:47:08 PM
Lamia 2,000 6 2,900 2,000 14,168 11,910 1,900 113,345 8 2/12/22 10:24:23 PM
Leviathan 18,000 10 18,000 18,000 12,485 -4,090 15,000 162,305 13 9/14/21 1:24:54 PM
Ultros 28,990 7 28,990 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/26/22 12:54:09 AM