Carbuncle Desk

Server: Hades

Last Updated: 6/3/21 2:25:26 PM
Search Category: Tables | Item Category: Table | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

32 630 630 599 599 599 1 32.00

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Carbuncle Desk

Ice Cluster 1 25 25 6/16/22 3:16:28 AM
Wind Cluster 2 126 252 6/24/23 8:29:58 PM
Ruby 1 3 3 4/23/23 7:19:04 AM
Undyed Woolen Cloth 6 1,050 6,300 6/14/22 10:02:45 AM
Mahogany Lumber 4 788 3,152 6/15/22 1:05:03 PM
Spruce Lumber 4 1,050 4,200 6/14/22 11:07:06 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 13,932

Profit/Loss Normal = -12,972

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Hades Cross Server Data for Carbuncle Desk on Mana

Anima 630 36 0 630 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/21 5:51:08 AM
Asura 1,050 16 0 1,050 863 -451 960 7,768 9 6/6/21 12:55:40 AM
Belias 798 28 0 798 808 -199 900 4,040 5 4/23/23 1:21:59 AM
Chocobo 735 15 0 735 636 -136 660 3,180 5 4/9/23 5:12:56 AM
Hades 630 32 0 630 599 -31 599 599 1 6/3/21 2:25:26 PM
Ixion 903 17 0 903 833 -304 890 4,169 5 4/19/23 1:40:06 PM
Mandragora 1,050 17 0 1,050 0 0 0 0 0 4/2/23 2:50:33 AM
Masamune 481 36 0 481 464 118 500 3,250 7 4/20/23 9:03:46 PM
Pandaemonium 630 14 0 630 807 -31 810 4,039 5 6/14/23 10:58:19 AM
Shinryu 588 22 0 588 399 11 200 1,999 5 6/15/22 11:26:44 AM
Titan 903 14 0 903 719 -304 660 2,878 4 6/15/22 8:26:18 AM