Seiryu's Sanctified Ephemeris

Server: Hades

Last Updated: 6/14/21 8:45:32 PM
Search Category: Astrologian's Arms | Item Category: Astrologian's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 621
More Information

Gathering info:

1 819,000 819,000 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 70 Goldsmith Recipe for Seiryu's Sanctified Ephemeris

Wind Crystal 7 40 280 7/24/22 3:00:58 PM
Demicrystal 5 289 1,445 6/10/22 8:15:26 PM
Palladium Ingot 3 1,050 3,150 2/28/23 4:57:51 PM
Chromite Ingot 2 1,575 3,150 6/15/22 5:44:06 PM
Rhodonite 2 2,520 5,040 6/10/22 3:03:46 AM
Seiryu's Scale 1 199,500 199,500 6/3/21 2:25:36 PM
Fire Crystal 7 39 273 7/24/22 3:00:24 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 212,838

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 567,162

Current Prices

Price History

Hades Cross Server Data for Seiryu's Sanctified Ephemeris on Mana

Anima 1,050,000 1 1,050,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/29/21 8:40:10 PM
Asura 630,315 3 630,315 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/21 9:10:21 PM
Chocobo 615,300 2 615,300 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/21 10:16:49 PM
Hades 819,000 1 819,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/21 8:45:32 PM
Ixion 630,000 1 630,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/21 6:26:17 PM
Masamune 735,000 1 735,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/21 8:32:08 PM
Pandaemonium 710,850 3 710,850 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/3/21 10:55:55 AM
Titan 606,200 1 606,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/21 10:03:40 PM