Eikon Iron Ingot

Server: Hades

Last Updated: 6/24/23 11:26:28 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 8
More Information

Gathering info:

66 315 315 639 359 500 1,799 5 13.20

Level 60 Goldsmith Recipe for Eikon Iron Ingot

Fire Cluster 2 59 118 2/25/23 11:41:19 PM
Eikon Metal 2 294 588 6/8/22 8:40:54 AM
Smithsonite Ore 3 452 1,356 6/9/22 1:58:45 AM
Wind Cluster 3 126 378 6/24/23 8:29:58 PM
Iron Ore 3 74 222 5/22/23 8:18:21 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,662

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,967

Profit/Loss HQ = -1,962

60 Paladin's Endless Expanse Arms
60 Paladin's Endless Expanse Arms
60 Paladin's Dead Hive Arms
60 Paladin's Dead Hive Arms
60 Paladin's Fiend Arms
60 Paladin's Fiend Arms
60 Paladin's Horde Arms
60 Paladin's Horde Arms
60 Paladin's Goddess Arms
60 Paladin's Goddess Arms
60 Paladin's Demon Arms
60 Paladin's Demon Arms
60 Gunblade of the Round
60 Milpreves of the Round
90 Ironworks Tool Set
60 Eikon Iron Earring of Fending
60 Camphorwood Armillae of Fending
60 Eikon Iron Ring of Fending
60 Eikon Iron Earring of Slaying
60 Camphorwood Armillae of Slaying
60 Eikon Iron Ring of Slaying
60 Eikon Iron Earring of Aiming
60 Camphorwood Armillae of Aiming
60 Eikon Iron Ring of Aiming
60 Eikon Iron Earring of Healing
60 Camphorwood Armillae of Healing
60 Eikon Iron Ring of Healing
60 Eikon Iron Earring of Casting
60 Camphorwood Armillae of Casting
60 Eikon Iron Ring of Casting
60 Eikon Leather Corselet of Maiming
60 Eikon Leather Corselet of Striking
60 Eikon Cloth Acton of Aiming
60 Eikon Cloth Acton of Scouting
60 Eikon Cloth Acton of Healing
60 Eikon Leather Corselet of Casting
60 Nidhogg Miniature
60 Horde Barding
60 Ironworks Cap of Gathering
60 Ironworks Cap of Crafting
60 Ironworks Earring of Gathering
60 Ironworks Ring of Gathering
60 Ironworks Earring of Crafting
60 Ironworks Ring of Crafting
60 Eikon Iron Lapidary Hammer
60 Eikon Iron Needle
60 High Mythrite Alembic
60 Eikon Iron Grinding Wheel
60 Endless Expanse Patas
60 Endless Expanse Battleaxe
60 Endless Expanse Partisan
60 Endless Expanse Longbow
60 Endless Expanse Machetes
60 Endless Expanse Greatsword
60 Endless Expanse Handgonne
60 Endless Expanse Cane
60 Endless Expanse Longpole
60 Endless Expanse Grimoire
60 Endless Expanse Codex
60 Endless Expanse Astrometer
60 Dead Hive Claws
60 Dead Hive Battleaxe
60 Dead Hive Spear
60 Dead Hive Bow
60 Dead Hive Kris
60 Dead Hive Claymore
60 Dead Hive Musketoon
60 Dead Hive Cane
60 Dead Hive Longpole
60 Dead Hive Grimoire
60 Dead Hive Codex
60 Dead Hive Planisphere
60 Cane of the Round
60 Staff of the Round
60 Grimoire of the Round
60 Codex of the Round
60 Astrometer of the Round
60 Crystal Chandelier
60 Scathach Miniature
60 Fists of the Fiend
60 Axe of the Fiend
60 Pike of the Fiend
60 Bow of the Fiend
60 Points of the Fiend
60 Edge of the Fiend
60 Fire of the Fiend
60 Cane of the Fiend
60 Staff of the Fiend
60 Word of the Fiend
60 Song of the Fiend
60 Star of the Fiend
60 Endless Expanse Katana
60 Endless Expanse Rapier
60 Dead Hive Katana
60 Dead Hive Rapier
60 Rapier of the Round
60 Katana of the Fiend
60 Rapier of the Fiend
60 Seeing Horde Knuckles
60 Seeing Horde Axe
60 Seeing Horde Spear
60 Seeing Horde Bow
60 Seeing Horde Daggers
60 Seeing Horde Guillotine
60 Seeing Horde Handgonne
60 Seeing Horde Cane
60 Seeing Horde Rod
60 Seeing Horde Grimoire
60 Seeing Horde Codex
60 Seeing Horde Star Globe
60 Seeing Horde Katana
60 Seeing Horde Rapier
60 Fists of the Goddess
60 Axe of the Goddess
60 Pike of the Goddess
60 Bow of the Goddess
60 Points of the Goddess
60 Edge of the Goddess
60 Fire of the Goddess
60 Cane of the Goddess
60 Pole of the Goddess
60 Word of the Goddess
60 Song of the Goddess
60 Star of the Goddess
60 Katana of the Goddess
60 Rapier of the Goddess
60 Fists of the Demon
60 Axe of the Demon
60 Pike of the Demon
60 Bow of the Demon
60 Points of the Demon
60 Edge of the Demon
60 Fire of the Demon
60 Cane of the Demon
60 Staff of the Demon
60 Word of the Demon
60 Song of the Demon
60 Star of the Demon
60 Katana of the Demon
60 Rapier of the Demon

Current Prices

Price History

Hades Cross Server Data for Eikon Iron Ingot on Mana

Anima 324 24 1,050 324 445 35 500 3,121 7 6/25/23 1:35:23 PM
Asura 1,155 192 1,175 1,155 2,782 -796 1,300 77,920 28 6/16/22 8:19:42 AM
Chocobo 346 61 346 346 192 13 198 1,540 8 6/15/23 9:48:34 AM
Hades 315 66 315 639 359 44 500 1,799 5 6/24/23 11:26:28 AM
Ixion 114 128 473 114 330 245 450 3,966 12 4/21/23 2:55:39 PM
Masamune 357 83 578 357 663 2 538 13,926 21 6/27/23 8:31:54 AM
Pandaemonium 630 115 745 630 793 -271 708 12,698 16 4/26/23 9:59:26 AM
Titan 630 67 630 630 393 -271 600 3,148 8 6/13/23 1:51:00 PM