Farreach Canvas

Server: Hades

Last Updated: 5/24/23 6:58:47 PM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 17
More Information

Gathering info:

505 6,708 6,820 6,708 6,990 6,990 83,880 12 42.10

Level 53 Weaver Recipe for Farreach Canvas

Red Moko Grass 3 20 60 4/2/23 6:53:10 PM
Wind Cluster 1 126 126 6/24/23 8:29:58 PM
Lightning Cluster 1 88 88 2/13/23 8:13:14 AM
Potash 9 288 2,592 6/15/22 5:46:07 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,866

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,634

Profit/Loss HQ = 5,634

60 Enterprise Miniature
60 Odyssey Miniature
60 Viltgance Miniature

Current Prices

Price History

Hades Cross Server Data for Farreach Canvas on Mana

Anima 3,465 104 3,465 3,990 1,622 3,525 1,560 220,700 136 6/27/23 10:40:33 AM
Asura 3,675 100 4,725 3,675 3,368 3,315 4,000 64,000 19 5/17/23 10:59:54 AM
Chocobo 6,815 105 6,825 6,815 5,818 175 5,000 116,364 20 5/12/23 4:41:29 PM
Hades 6,708 505 6,820 6,708 6,990 282 6,990 83,880 12 5/24/23 6:58:47 PM
Ixion 5,268 8 6,930 5,268 6,787 1,722 7,000 54,300 8 4/9/23 4:43:05 AM
Masamune 7,368 46 7,875 7,368 6,986 -378 6,980 132,744 19 4/8/23 11:56:32 AM
Pandaemonium 3,885 137 4,200 3,885 3,935 3,105 4,000 70,834 18 6/14/23 2:59:34 PM
Titan 6,825 50 8,420 6,825 7,485 165 6,000 104,800 14 5/18/23 6:31:01 AM