Paldao Lumber

Server: Gungnir

Last Updated: 2/27/23 12:46:53 AM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 12
More Information

Gathering info:

221 8,245 9,713 8,245 9,878 9,500 227,197 23 9.60

Level 90 Carpenter Recipe for Paldao Lumber

Ice Cluster 3 32 96 6/16/22 2:37:13 AM
Wind Cluster 3 174 522 6/26/23 12:51:51 PM
Paldao Log 5 390 1,950 2/26/23 9:48:37 AM
Hannish Varnish 2 2,940 5,880 10/4/23 11:28:50 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,448

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,506

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,552

Current Prices

Price History

Gungnir Cross Server Data for Paldao Lumber on Elemental

Aegis 7,224 128 10,499 7,224 7,026 2,654 9,900 168,641 24 2/22/23 9:51:28 AM
Atomos 7,350 178 9,977 7,350 7,725 2,528 9,001 440,364 57 2/26/23 9:54:34 AM
Carbuncle 7,245 75 7,350 7,245 8,417 2,633 10,000 109,421 13 2/28/23 10:16:50 PM
Garuda 9,765 168 10,500 9,765 9,814 113 9,000 608,500 62 2/27/23 5:52:20 AM
Gungnir 8,245 221 9,713 8,245 9,878 1,633 9,500 227,197 23 2/27/23 12:46:53 AM
Kujata 12,600 60 15,749 12,600 10,686 -2,722 12,000 1,421,296 133 2/26/23 9:08:14 PM
Tonberry 15,698 21 17,100 15,698 15,569 -5,820 14,949 513,783 33 4/13/23 11:35:10 AM
Typhon 7,233 181 15,645 7,233 11,006 2,645 14,900 528,319 48 2/28/23 2:49:19 PM