Garlean Cheese

Server: Gungnir

Last Updated: 6/14/22 9:33:23 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

480 525 531 525 647 600 17,469 27 17.80

Level 84 Culinarian Recipe for Garlean Cheese

Ovibos Milk 5 231 1,155 2/28/23 2:39:22 PM
Fire Crystal 8 30 240 5/29/24 11:58:03 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,395

Profit/Loss Normal = -235

Profit/Loss HQ = 235

Current Prices

Price History

Gungnir Cross Server Data for Garlean Cheese on Elemental

Aegis 419 896 944 419 731 228 750 122,214 167 6/14/22 11:24:26 AM
Atomos 468 160 468 468 0 0 0 0 0 3/2/23 3:41:30 AM
Carbuncle 210 226 420 210 150 437 200 119,800 797 6/15/22 8:28:36 AM
Garuda 252 1,915 525 252 318 395 150 115,344 362 9/13/23 1:59:38 PM
Gungnir 525 480 531 525 647 122 600 17,469 27 6/14/22 9:33:23 AM
Kujata 420 823 620 420 373 227 403 21,689 58 2/28/23 9:25:13 AM
Ramuh 183 1,181 315 183 189 464 189 756 4 6/14/22 10:43:53 AM
Tonberry 598 3,748 905 598 765 49 599 881,606 1,151 6/6/23 1:51:40 AM
Typhon 519 447 630 519 640 128 700 10,254 16 2/28/23 1:18:10 PM
Unicorn 263 473 8,925 263 261 384 500 61,888 237 6/14/22 10:21:53 AM