Garden Beet Sugar

Server: Gungnir

Last Updated: 2/26/23 12:10:50 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

1047 399 420 399 346 350 41,560 120 8.70

Level 72 Culinarian Recipe for Garden Beet Sugar

Garden Beet 5 158 790 2/28/23 8:15:04 AM
Fire Crystal 6 30 180 5/29/24 11:58:03 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 970

Profit/Loss Normal = -93

Profit/Loss HQ = 177

Current Prices

Price History

Gungnir Cross Server Data for Garden Beet Sugar on Elemental

Aegis 357 513 0 357 540 -11 339 502,015 928 2/24/23 12:36:27 AM
Atomos 368 2,524 420 368 395 -22 349 588,046 1,487 2/28/23 8:51:37 AM
Carbuncle 420 3,623 420 420 383 -74 400 434,040 1,131 2/28/23 5:43:11 AM
Garuda 452 1,167 525 452 444 -106 500 206,936 466 2/20/23 6:33:23 PM
Gungnir 399 1,047 420 399 346 -53 350 41,560 120 2/26/23 12:10:50 PM
Kujata 420 2,663 509 420 458 -74 450 482,957 1,053 2/27/23 4:53:46 AM
Tonberry 315 826 814 315 371 31 280 168,883 454 3/1/23 10:49:08 PM
Typhon 424 684 441 424 389 -78 400 166,550 428 2/22/23 1:54:24 PM