Forest Miq'abob

Server: Goblin

Last Updated: 6/3/23 5:38:40 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

12 1,418 1,418 1,241 1,350 13,653 11 1.10

Level 32 Culinarian Recipe for Forest Miq'abob

Fire Shard 3 60 180 10/7/23 4:25:02 PM
Ruby Tomato 1 47 47 6/21/23 3:50:54 AM
Aloe 1 104 104 6/25/23 3:14:57 PM
Button Mushroom 1 284 284 6/19/23 3:46:31 PM
Black Pepper 1 105 105 6/19/23 9:58:21 PM
Table Salt 1 700 700 2/18/23 1:28:19 AM
Lavender Oil 1 15 15 9/16/23 6:37:37 AM
Water Shard 3 55 165 11/9/24 11:56:02 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,600

Profit/Loss Normal = 66

Profit/Loss HQ = 817

Current Prices

Price History

Goblin Cross Server Data for Forest Miq'abob on Crystal

Balmung 7,875 18 7,875 0 7,995 -6,634 7,995 23,985 3 5/10/23 11:17:48 PM
Coeurl 105 107 105 105 99 1,136 99 297 3 4/27/23 9:58:35 PM
Goblin 1,418 12 1,418 0 1,241 -177 1,350 13,653 11 6/3/23 5:38:40 AM
Zalera 800 1 0 800 263 441 902 8,177 31 2/20/23 12:27:40 AM
Brynhildr 3,000 15 0 3,000 3,750 -1,759 5,000 22,500 6 12/29/21 9:47:45 PM
Diabolos 1,003 3 1,003 0 144 238 300 8,397 58 10/16/24 4:16:54 PM
Malboro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/5/23 11:56:48 PM
Mateus 473 45 473 525 998 768 997 8,988 9 6/14/22 4:47:27 PM