Exarchic Choker of Fending

Server: Goblin

Last Updated: 4/23/23 10:44:32 PM
Search Category: Necklaces | Item Category: Necklace | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

11 10,811 13,650 10,811 15,013 12,900 105,092 7 1.60

Level 80 Carpenter Recipe for Exarchic Choker of Fending

Ice Cluster 3 17 51 2/19/25 11:49:24 AM
Wind Cluster 3 139 417 1/6/24 6:07:57 PM
Dwarven Mythril Nugget 1 1,220 1,220 10/1/24 12:45:01 AM
Levinstrike Aethersand 1 525 525 2/28/23 11:16:35 PM
Silver Beech Lumber 1 263 263 2/16/23 12:40:22 AM
Thylacoleo Leather 1 5,250 5,250 2/24/23 1:09:50 AM
Grade 4 Vitality Alkahest 1 3,150 3,150 6/11/23 12:04:39 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 10,876

Profit/Loss Normal = 2,124

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,024

Desynthesizes into:

Wind Cluster
Ice Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Goblin Cross Server Data for Exarchic Choker of Fending on Crystal

Balmung 28,350 8 28,874 28,350 24,333 -13,337 28,000 73,000 3 6/7/23 9:26:13 AM
Coeurl 16,800 11 20,989 16,800 16,419 -1,787 19,400 82,098 5 6/16/23 7:03:53 PM
Goblin 10,811 11 13,650 10,811 15,013 4,202 12,900 105,092 7 4/23/23 10:44:32 PM
Zalera 12,915 7 22,050 12,915 19,000 2,098 19,000 38,000 2 5/10/23 1:41:37 AM
Brynhildr 39,375 11 39,375 40,829 39,371 -24,362 39,887 118,113 3 5/21/23 8:41:32 PM
Diabolos 10,843 4 10,843 50,400 9,831 4,170 10,000 39,325 4 6/14/23 1:42:54 PM
Malboro 26,246 5 41,999 26,246 39,899 -11,233 39,899 39,899 1 6/7/23 12:58:13 AM
Mateus 50,399 2 50,399 0 14,754 -35,386 12,275 73,774 5 6/27/23 1:51:48 AM