Exarchic Baghnakhs

Server: Goblin

Last Updated: 2/22/23 10:43:26 AM
Search Category: Pugilist's Arms | Item Category: Pugilist's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

10 10,497 15,749 10,497 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 80 Blacksmith Recipe for Exarchic Baghnakhs

Fire Cluster 3 86 258 1/6/24 6:08:18 PM
Earth Cluster 3 42 126 2/19/25 11:49:40 AM
Dwarven Mythril Nugget 1 1,220 1,220 10/1/24 12:45:01 AM
Levinstrike Aethersand 2 525 1,050 2/28/23 11:16:35 PM
Duraluminum Ingot 2 1,050 2,100 2/25/23 11:34:11 PM
Solstice Ingot 2 777 1,554 5/28/23 12:50:33 AM
Grade 4 Strength Alkahest 2 1,084 2,168 3/3/23 11:56:36 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,476

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,133

Profit/Loss HQ = 514

Desynthesizes into:

Fire Cluster
Earth Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Goblin Cross Server Data for Exarchic Baghnakhs on Crystal

Balmung 9,965 13 13,388 9,965 6,516 -9,965 9,000 32,584 5 2/22/23 12:08:14 AM
Coeurl 16,661 7 16,995 16,661 6,956 -16,661 16,661 139,120 20 4/25/22 4:02:10 PM
Goblin 10,497 10 15,749 10,497 0 0 0 0 0 2/22/23 10:43:26 AM
Zalera 11,706 16 13,999 11,706 9,595 -11,706 8,000 47,975 5 5/7/22 3:41:44 PM
Brynhildr 20,749 12 20,749 20,999 24,320 -20,749 20,000 97,280 4 10/26/23 7:51:02 AM
Diabolos 8,400 6 17,850 8,400 9,998 -8,400 9,999 19,997 2 2/22/23 6:47:03 PM
Malboro 18,849 7 18,850 18,849 12,359 -18,849 18,880 123,593 10 1/5/24 12:33:42 PM
Mateus 106,564 17 106,564 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/7/23 7:36:39 PM