Purple Carrot Juice

Server: Goblin

Last Updated: 9/13/23 3:01:45 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 27
More Information

Gathering info:

360 93 2,100 93 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 71 Culinarian Recipe for Purple Carrot Juice

Water Crystal 5 30 150 2/1/24 4:17:47 PM
Purple Carrot 3 300 900 10/29/23 4:47:35 PM
Pixie Apple 6 132 792 3/31/23 11:48:18 PM
Fire Crystal 6 47 282 2/9/24 5:32:56 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,124

Profit/Loss Normal = -508

Profit/Loss HQ = 4,292

Current Prices

Price History

Goblin Cross Server Data for Purple Carrot Juice on Crystal

Balmung 1,785 60 8,368 1,785 1,431 -1,785 2,798 24,340 17 6/12/23 5:37:49 PM
Coeurl 29 51 2,310 29 1,185 -29 65 30,830 26 6/11/23 7:55:20 PM
Goblin 93 360 2,100 93 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 3:01:45 AM
Zalera 313 76 525 313 1,439 -313 500 109,423 76 5/14/23 8:53:03 PM
Brynhildr 100 164 4,999 100 736 -100 600 12,518 17 5/31/24 1:50:37 AM
Diabolos 1,079 16 0 1,079 1,169 -1,079 27 17,548 15 5/8/23 10:42:23 AM
Malboro 4,444 180 14,830 4,444 238 -4,444 347 3,335 14 3/12/25 4:48:57 PM
Mateus 315 77 10,500 315 850 -315 849 8,502 10 6/8/23 11:39:46 PM