Steppe Salad

Server: Goblin

Last Updated: 1/28/23 2:41:14 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 25
More Information

Gathering info:

3 40,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 3 1.00

Level 66 Culinarian Recipe for Steppe Salad

Water Crystal 4 30 120 2/1/24 4:17:47 PM
Rice Vinegar 1 158 158 6/25/23 1:57:24 AM
Cottonseed Oil 1 462 462 6/27/23 7:53:20 PM
Algae Salt 1 1,574 1,574 6/12/23 12:26:09 AM
Daikon Radish 1 750 750 12/10/22 6:18:15 PM
Gyr Abanian Carrot 1 420 420 5/24/23 11:52:27 PM
Lotus Root 1 10 10 6/11/24 11:02:36 PM
Fire Crystal 5 47 235 2/9/24 5:32:56 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,729

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,218

Profit/Loss HQ = 43,757

Current Prices

Price History

Goblin Cross Server Data for Steppe Salad on Crystal

Balmung 9,450 547 17,850 9,450 12,056 550 19,995 120,569 10 4/18/23 7:43:13 AM
Coeurl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/31/23 8:56:49 AM
Goblin 40,000 3 40,000 0 10,000 -30,000 10,000 30,000 3 1/28/23 2:41:14 AM
Zalera 3,150 33 0 3,150 5,257 6,850 5,000 21,028 4 5/24/23 12:19:57 AM
Brynhildr 2,310 34 9,450 2,310 12,663 7,690 12,850 164,620 13 6/14/22 4:23:40 PM
Diabolos 3,800 68 34,988 3,800 0 0 0 0 0 12/18/20 2:43:06 AM
Malboro 1,500 139 0 1,500 5,571 8,500 3,000 39,000 7 3/12/25 4:51:02 PM
Mateus 4,900 417 9,999 4,900 15,500 5,100 15,500 46,500 3 7/11/22 2:18:26 AM