Crescent Moon Bottoms

Server: Gilgamesh

Last Updated: 6/21/23 1:45:56 AM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

1 194,250 194,250 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Crescent Moon Bottoms

Wind Cluster 1 8 8 10/26/24 3:32:27 PM
Lightning Cluster 1 168 168 2/18/25 8:17:49 AM
Silk Thread 1 200 200 4/2/23 7:37:22 AM
Mist Silk 1 662,784 662,784 2/28/23 8:06:06 AM
Fieldcraft Demimateria II 5 1,765 8,825 5/5/23 12:51:54 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 671,985

Profit/Loss Normal = -486,985

Profit/Loss HQ = -471,986

Current Prices

Price History

Gilgamesh Cross Server Data for Crescent Moon Bottoms on Aether

Adamantoise 201,600 2 0 201,600 143,225 -201,600 177,900 572,900 4 6/21/23 11:33:41 AM
Cactuar 207,900 12 215,248 207,900 173,332 -207,900 150,000 519,997 3 5/31/23 9:13:34 PM
Faerie 99,000 7 0 99,000 94,998 -99,000 94,999 284,996 3 10/22/23 5:39:50 AM
Gilgamesh 194,250 1 0 194,250 0 0 0 0 0 6/21/23 1:45:56 AM
Jenova 157,500 7 0 157,500 149,994 -157,500 149,990 599,979 4 6/20/23 3:50:28 AM
Midgardsormr 104,998 15 1,050,000 104,998 97,398 -104,998 98,000 486,990 5 6/13/23 1:52:41 AM
Sargatanas 154,349 7 0 154,349 9,606,249 -154,349 145,000 38,424,999 4 6/25/23 6:59:42 PM
Siren 133,350 13 0 133,350 127,245 -133,350 126,500 508,981 4 4/30/23 7:28:47 AM