Silvergrace Earrings of Gathering

Server: Gilgamesh

Last Updated: 6/4/23 9:55:14 PM
Search Category: Earrings | Item Category: Earrings | Sell price to vendor: 259
More Information

Gathering info:

2 184,998 184,998 184,998 184,998 184,998 1 2.00

Level 70 Goldsmith Recipe for Silvergrace Earrings of Gathering

Astral Oil 2 999 1,998 11/10/23 8:40:24 AM
Fire Cluster 2 40 80 10/22/24 6:50:54 AM
Wind Cluster 2 8 16 10/26/24 3:32:27 PM
Silvergrace Ingot 4 525 2,100 9/27/23 11:00:46 PM
Kingcraft Demimateria 3 1,540 4,620 6/14/24 5:23:32 AM
Hawk's Eye Sand 1 24,150 24,150 6/11/22 1:27:00 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 32,964

Profit/Loss Normal = 57,329

Profit/Loss HQ = 192,035

Desynthesizes into:

Silvergrace Ingot
Wind Cluster
Fire Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Gilgamesh Cross Server Data for Silvergrace Earrings of Gathering on Aether

Adamantoise 274,777 10 274,777 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/3/21 5:51:43 PM
Cactuar 120,000 5 120,000 0 117,227 64,998 120,285 351,681 3 10/5/21 11:11:25 PM
Faerie 179,995 3 179,995 0 159,871 5,003 183,000 1,278,969 8 8/23/21 5:39:29 PM
Gilgamesh 184,998 2 184,998 0 184,998 0 184,998 184,998 1 6/4/23 9:55:14 PM
Jenova 84,099 3 84,099 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/24/23 2:09:57 PM
Midgardsormr 137,000 2 137,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/10/23 12:48:01 AM
Sargatanas 138,975 9 138,975 0 142,995 46,023 142,995 142,995 1 10/14/21 3:06:18 AM
Siren 167,555 8 167,555 0 179,555 17,443 179,555 179,555 1 4/27/22 8:19:43 AM