Thavnairian Wool Autumn Shirt

Server: Gilgamesh

Last Updated: 7/12/23 4:20:10 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

15 40,001 50,996 40,001 249,999 249,999 249,999 1 15.00

Level 70 Weaver Recipe for Thavnairian Wool Autumn Shirt

Sewing Thread 1 525 525 4/19/23 10:19:28 AM
Wind Cluster 2 8 16 10/26/24 3:32:27 PM
Lightning Cluster 2 168 336 2/18/25 8:17:49 AM
Palladium Nugget 1 734 734 2/27/23 4:11:25 PM
Bloodhempen Cloth 1 1,003 1,003 6/11/24 1:25:02 PM
Thavnairian Wool 3 4,995 14,985 11/11/24 5:28:00 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 17,599

Profit/Loss Normal = 37,399

Profit/Loss HQ = 36,849

Current Prices

Price History

Gilgamesh Cross Server Data for Thavnairian Wool Autumn Shirt on Aether

Adamantoise 104,000 6 0 104,000 107,553 145,999 103,000 967,980 9 11/5/22 1:28:14 AM
Cactuar 88,000 13 0 88,000 87,522 161,999 88,000 875,220 10 7/12/22 12:48:37 PM
Faerie 58,799 16 156,450 58,799 0 0 0 0 0 3/9/23 1:56:39 AM
Gilgamesh 40,001 15 50,996 40,001 249,999 209,998 249,999 249,999 1 7/12/23 4:20:10 AM
Jenova 38,849 10 199,499 38,849 0 0 0 0 0 3/8/23 8:45:46 AM
Midgardsormr 129,752 12 129,752 129,999 135,643 120,247 125,000 1,085,151 8 12/27/22 5:43:53 PM
Sargatanas 27,000 19 45,000 27,000 35,999 222,999 26,999 395,990 11 2/8/23 10:55:56 PM
Siren 36,717 12 0 36,717 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 3:19:50 PM