High Adjudicator's Gavel

Server: Gilgamesh

Last Updated: 2/14/23 2:18:36 AM
Search Category: Conjurer's Arms | Item Category: Twohanded Conjurer's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 236
More Information

Gathering info:

5 66,989 66,989 66,989 66,989 66,989 1 5.00

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for High Adjudicator's Gavel

Lightning Cluster 4 168 672 2/18/25 8:17:49 AM
Gold Ingot 2 11 22 10/8/23 2:05:18 AM
Ancient Lumber 3 6,000 18,000 9/21/23 7:19:45 PM
Large Levin Orb 1 8,885 8,885 9/21/23 2:09:10 AM
Battlecraft Demimateria III 5 535 2,675 10/6/23 4:45:34 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 30,254

Profit/Loss Normal = 69,739

Profit/Loss HQ = 65,006

Desynthesizes into:

Battlecraft Demimateria III
Lightning Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Gilgamesh Cross Server Data for High Adjudicator's Gavel on Aether

Adamantoise 97,999 6 97,999 0 104,999 -31,010 104,999 104,999 1 11/5/22 3:01:40 AM
Cactuar 114,990 2 114,990 0 57,580 -48,001 58,750 172,740 3 4/3/22 8:54:33 PM
Faerie 131,249 5 131,249 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/25/23 8:54:06 AM
Gilgamesh 66,989 5 66,989 0 66,989 0 66,989 66,989 1 2/14/23 2:18:36 AM
Jenova 40,000 5 40,000 0 38,499 26,989 40,000 153,999 4 9/17/23 11:46:14 AM
Midgardsormr 58,999 4 58,999 0 58,997 7,990 58,998 294,985 5 2/4/23 4:18:03 PM
Sargatanas 148,995 4 148,995 0 116,306 -82,006 116,959 348,919 3 5/2/22 12:47:29 AM
Siren 142,990 9 142,990 0 152,497 -76,001 197,000 609,990 4 8/18/21 5:07:45 PM