Coeurl Beach Halter

Server: Garuda

Last Updated: 6/14/22 11:27:51 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

12 241,500 241,500 241,500 230,000 230,000 460,000 2 6.00

Level 50 Leatherworker Recipe for Coeurl Beach Halter

Wind Crystal 2 35 70 8/10/22 3:21:49 PM
Earth Crystal 3 28 84 2/25/23 5:27:48 PM
Coeurl Fur 2 13 26 6/10/22 4:19:39 AM
Silk Thread 1 318 318 6/14/22 11:29:38 AM
Waterproof Cotton Cloth 1 183,750 183,750 6/15/22 7:34:00 AM
Fieldcraft Demimateria I 5 8,400 42,000 5/18/23 7:10:11 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 226,248

Profit/Loss Normal = -127,348

Profit/Loss HQ = 3,752

Current Prices

Price History

Garuda Cross Server Data for Coeurl Beach Halter on Elemental

Aegis 262,500 7 346,500 262,500 199,999 -32,500 199,999 399,998 2 6/14/22 11:24:37 AM
Atomos 186,889 12 186,898 186,889 0 0 0 0 0 3/30/23 10:46:25 AM
Carbuncle 220,500 10 241,500 220,500 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 11:37:03 PM
Garuda 241,500 12 241,500 241,500 230,000 -11,500 230,000 460,000 2 6/14/22 11:27:51 AM
Gungnir 241,500 5 357,000 241,500 0 0 0 0 0 6/15/22 4:00:24 AM
Kujata 126,000 17 183,750 126,000 0 0 0 0 0 3/16/23 10:49:04 AM
Tonberry 106,555 17 237,999 106,555 108,499 123,445 100,000 433,999 4 9/30/22 4:54:53 AM
Typhon 210,000 6 315,000 210,000 0 0 0 0 0 6/15/22 2:12:47 AM