Grade 2 Mind Dissolvent

Server: Garuda

Last Updated: 6/10/22 5:46:25 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 18
More Information

Gathering info:

16 630 735 630 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 60 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 2 Mind Dissolvent

Skyspring Water 3 1,890 5,670 6/11/22 1:23:17 AM
Gloaming Coral 1 5,256 5,256 5/18/21 1:05:33 PM
Clary Sage 1 81 81 5/9/19 10:59:19 PM
Lightning Cluster 2 110 220 9/13/23 1:33:49 PM
Water Cluster 2 42 84 2/26/23 9:36:27 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 11,311

Profit/Loss Normal = -3,080

Profit/Loss HQ = -2,970

Current Prices

Price History

Garuda Cross Server Data for Grade 2 Mind Dissolvent on Elemental

Aegis 53 53 53 95 0 0 0 0 0 3/21/23 5:48:15 PM
Atomos 32 27 32 105 0 0 0 0 0 6/15/22 8:14:16 PM
Carbuncle 105 26 105 376 0 0 0 0 0 6/15/22 8:24:26 PM
Garuda 630 16 735 630 0 0 0 0 0 6/10/22 5:46:25 PM
Gungnir 82 58 82 116 0 0 0 0 0 6/15/22 9:37:32 PM
Kujata 419 9 419 420 478 -419 478 478 1 7/1/23 6:33:44 AM
Tonberry 158 21 205 158 0 0 0 0 0 6/3/23 5:31:44 PM
Typhon 473 11 473 5,250 114 -473 150 1,140 10 6/15/22 9:06:05 PM