Farreach Canvas

Server: Garuda

Last Updated: 5/20/23 9:54:39 AM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 17
More Information

Gathering info:

37 5,250 5,795 5,250 4,502 3,000 31,517 7 5.30

Level 53 Weaver Recipe for Farreach Canvas

Red Moko Grass 3 61 183 6/11/22 1:24:05 AM
Wind Cluster 1 105 105 5/27/23 8:59:18 PM
Lightning Cluster 1 110 110 9/13/23 1:33:49 PM
Potash 9 305 2,745 2/25/23 7:05:34 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,143

Profit/Loss Normal = 2,257

Profit/Loss HQ = -143

60 Enterprise Miniature
60 Odyssey Miniature
60 Viltgance Miniature

Current Prices

Price History

Garuda Cross Server Data for Farreach Canvas on Elemental

Aegis 9,975 26 10,498 9,975 0 0 0 0 0 3/24/23 6:57:12 AM
Atomos 5,774 52 6,215 5,774 0 0 0 0 0 3/17/23 1:49:35 PM
Carbuncle 5,773 182 5,880 5,773 5,628 -1,271 5,500 118,200 21 5/16/23 5:40:29 PM
Garuda 5,250 37 5,795 5,250 4,502 -748 3,000 31,517 7 5/20/23 9:54:39 AM
Gungnir 8,420 5 8,420 0 2,799 -3,918 7,500 19,599 7 5/28/23 4:50:59 PM
Kujata 5,000 10 5,000 7,000 3,989 -498 4,000 71,816 18 8/18/21 11:49:39 AM
Tonberry 3,098 5 3,150 3,098 2,352 1,404 2,519 21,174 9 6/26/23 3:53:00 PM