Platinum Nugget

Server: Famfrit

Last Updated: 5/25/23 5:55:06 PM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

34 786 839 786 849 1,000 16,141 19 1.80

Level 50 Goldsmith Recipe for Platinum Nugget

Fire Cluster 1 125 125 5/25/24 8:48:22 AM
Wind Cluster 2 140 280 5/25/24 5:33:19 AM
Platinum Ore 3 780 2,340 5/25/24 8:39:39 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,745

Profit/Loss Normal = -745

Profit/Loss HQ = -745

Current Prices

Price History

Famfrit Cross Server Data for Platinum Nugget on Primal

Behemoth 3,004 37 4,250 3,004 3,561 -2,155 4,500 220,792 62 1/6/24 4:01:37 PM
Excalibur 1,800 23 4,000 1,800 0 0 0 0 0 2/23/25 2:40:29 AM
Exodus 972 114 972 1,013 1,449 -123 949 150,749 104 5/21/23 6:51:29 AM
Famfrit 786 34 839 786 849 63 1,000 16,141 19 5/25/23 5:55:06 PM
Hyperion 2,100 49 2,520 2,100 1,927 -1,251 800 21,205 11 6/24/23 3:57:34 PM
Lamia 9,975 3 0 9,975 1,042 -9,126 900 7,299 7 6/24/23 7:58:34 AM
Leviathan 2,100 8 2,100 0 2,120 -1,251 4,000 19,088 9 6/24/23 11:55:46 PM
Ultros 2,000 107 2,000 2,194 2,758 -1,151 2,200 71,723 26 4/19/24 4:58:32 PM