Indagator's Earrings of Gathering

Server: Famfrit

Last Updated: 5/3/24 1:07:04 AM
Search Category: Earrings | Item Category: Earrings | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

8 184,587 184,587 278,724 184,682 3,065,967 11 0.70

Level 90 Leatherworker Recipe for Indagator's Earrings of Gathering

Wind Cluster 5 140 700 5/25/24 5:33:19 AM
Earth Cluster 5 104 520 5/25/24 5:33:31 AM
Paldao Lumber 2 4,490 8,980 6/25/24 1:09:56 PM
Titanoboa Leather 2 1,499 2,998 12/8/23 11:32:54 AM
Zoisite 2 35 70 11/9/24 3:21:45 PM
Gripgel 2 8,349 16,698 6/25/24 6:37:56 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 29,966

Profit/Loss Normal = 110,330

Profit/Loss HQ = 154,621

Current Prices

Price History

Famfrit Cross Server Data for Indagator's Earrings of Gathering on Primal

Behemoth 185,000 4 185,000 0 183,948 93,724 185,000 3,678,963 20 1/29/24 7:32:57 AM
Excalibur 315,000 6 315,000 0 193,275 -36,276 299,994 3,478,966 18 9/17/23 9:36:59 AM
Exodus 365,028 11 365,028 0 132,007 -86,304 140,326 660,039 5 9/13/23 10:29:29 AM
Famfrit 184,587 8 184,587 0 278,724 94,137 184,682 3,065,967 11 5/3/24 1:07:04 AM
Hyperion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/20/24 3:13:42 AM
Lamia 284,418 12 284,418 0 335,361 -5,694 270,874 3,353,611 10 6/12/23 4:57:34 PM
Leviathan 309,973 9 309,973 0 294,660 -31,249 312,984 3,241,270 11 1/3/24 4:26:29 PM
Ultros 186,060 14 186,060 0 176,049 92,664 40,000 2,112,596 12 6/26/23 2:43:32 AM