Rinascita Labrys

Server: Famfrit

Last Updated: 2/24/23 10:18:40 PM
Search Category: Marauder's Arms | Item Category: Marauder's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

13 128,451 128,451 124,148 123,331 1,241,482 10 1.30

Level 90 Blacksmith Recipe for Rinascita Labrys

Fire Cluster 3 125 375 5/25/24 8:48:22 AM
Earth Cluster 3 104 312 5/25/24 5:33:31 AM
Chondrite Ingot 1 500 500 5/27/24 1:51:18 PM
Endwood Aethersand 1 273 273 12/18/22 8:50:50 PM
Paldao Lumber 1 4,490 4,490 6/25/24 1:09:56 PM
Ilmenite Ingot 4 11,997 47,988 9/25/23 9:42:28 PM
Grade 7 Vitality Alkahest 2 287 574 2/27/23 3:59:32 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 54,512

Profit/Loss Normal = -47,162

Profit/Loss HQ = 45,488

Current Prices

Price History

Famfrit Cross Server Data for Rinascita Labrys on Primal

Behemoth 10,500 5 188,950 10,500 85,354 113,648 85,709 170,708 2 9/24/23 5:44:24 AM
Excalibur 12,883 12 12,883 20,000 3,449 111,265 5,780 17,247 5 2/10/25 4:32:43 PM
Exodus 199,999 5 199,999 245,000 128,676 -75,851 145,000 2,316,178 18 5/31/23 12:09:52 AM
Famfrit 128,451 13 128,451 0 124,148 -4,303 123,331 1,241,482 10 2/24/23 10:18:40 PM
Hyperion 96,497 14 96,497 0 93,685 27,651 92,014 3,841,111 41 2/23/23 12:48:50 PM
Lamia 27,111 12 50,000 27,111 27,110 97,037 27,110 27,110 1 6/14/24 10:16:07 PM
Leviathan 120,767 5 120,767 0 101,869 3,381 115,116 611,217 6 2/20/23 10:27:43 PM
Ultros 1,709 17 5,780 1,709 9,999 122,439 10,000 69,995 7 2/22/25 6:51:10 PM