Luminous Wooden Loft

Server: Famfrit

Last Updated: 2/12/25 9:56:20 PM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 45
More Information

Gathering info:

34 23,799 23,799 23,543 23,800 470,870 20 1.70

Level 90 Carpenter Recipe for Luminous Wooden Loft

Wind Crystal 32 60 1,920 5/25/24 5:30:12 AM
Crystal Glass 2 945 1,890 5/25/24 5:32:23 AM
Ironwood Lumber 2 2,327 4,654 5/5/24 3:43:12 PM
Integral Lumber 6 500 3,000 6/25/24 1:13:50 PM
Tallow Candle 2 390 780 9/10/24 4:14:54 AM
Ice Crystal 32 59 1,888 5/25/24 5:29:15 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 14,132

Profit/Loss Normal = 9,667

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Famfrit Cross Server Data for Luminous Wooden Loft on Primal

Behemoth 33,600 39 0 33,600 31,611 -10,057 32,000 600,617 19 6/26/23 1:59:48 AM
Excalibur 40,822 27 0 40,822 37,633 -17,279 38,000 188,165 5 10/7/23 1:11:28 AM
Exodus 21,048 30 0 21,048 22,970 2,495 23,332 183,760 8 9/21/23 3:06:03 AM
Famfrit 23,799 34 0 23,799 23,543 -256 23,800 470,870 20 2/12/25 9:56:20 PM
Hyperion 17,849 29 0 17,849 40,979 5,694 39,899 409,792 10 10/7/23 2:11:45 PM
Lamia 27,300 48 0 27,300 29,010 -3,757 27,995 783,278 27 9/22/23 7:26:06 PM
Leviathan 16,940 41 0 16,940 15,875 6,603 16,133 396,888 25 6/19/23 12:58:58 PM
Ultros 36,698 15 0 36,698 45,689 -13,155 30,000 685,339 15 6/24/23 9:57:45 PM