Smilodon Leather

Server: Famfrit

Last Updated: 4/28/24 5:02:38 PM
Search Category: Leather | Item Category: Leather | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

708 1,499 1,900 1,499 1,777 1,781 158,234 89 8.00

Level 71 Leatherworker Recipe for Smilodon Leather

Earth Crystal 6 60 360 5/25/24 5:30:37 AM
Smilodon Skin 4 905 3,620 4/28/24 5:02:18 PM
Yellow Alumen 1 250 250 5/28/24 9:57:08 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,230

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,630

Profit/Loss HQ = -2,449

71 White Oak Partisan
71 Smilodonskin Grimoire
71 Smilodonskin Codex
71 Deepgold War Quoits
71 Smilodonskin Trousers of Fending
71 Brightlinen Tabard of Maiming
71 Smilodonskin Gloves of Maiming
71 Smilodonskin Trousers of Maiming
71 Smilodonskin Leggings of Maiming
71 Brightlinen Hood of Striking
71 Brightlinen Himation of Striking
71 Smilodonskin Open-toed Boots of Striking
71 Brightlinen Hood of Aiming
71 Brightlinen Himation of Aiming
71 Smilodonskin Open-toed Boots of Aiming
71 Brightlinen Gambison of Scouting
71 Smilodonskin Gloves of Scouting
71 Brightlinen Hose of Scouting
71 Smilodonskin Boots of Scouting
71 Brightlinen Cap of Healing
71 Brightlinen Cyclas of Healing
71 Smilodonskin Armguards of Healing
71 Brightlinen Hose of Healing
71 Smilodonskin Boots of Healing
71 Brightlinen Cap of Casting
71 Brightlinen Cyclas of Casting
71 Smilodonskin Armguards of Casting
71 Brightlinen Hose of Casting
71 Smilodonskin Boots of Casting
71 Deepgold Cross-pein Hammer
71 Deepgold Pickaxe
71 White Oak Fishing Rod
71 Brightlinen Doublet Vest of Crafting
71 Smilodonskin Gloves of Crafting
71 Brightlinen Bottoms of Crafting
71 Smilodonskin Shoes of Crafting
71 Brightlinen Coat of Gathering
71 Smilodonskin Gloves of Gathering
71 Brightlinen Bottoms of Gathering
71 Smilodonskin Shoes of Gathering
71 Smilodonskin Earrings
71 Smilodonskin Choker
71 Smilodonskin Wristband
71 Smilodonskin Ring
80 Cropped Summer Indigo Slops
72 Rarefied White Oak Partisan
72 Rarefied Smilodonskin Trousers
72 Rarefied Brightlinen Himation
72 Deepgold Sickle

Current Prices

Price History

Famfrit Cross Server Data for Smilodon Leather on Primal

Behemoth 699 117 2,499 699 2,662 1,078 1,980 335,417 126 5/19/23 8:40:44 PM
Excalibur 1,864 19 1,999 1,864 2,141 -87 1,904 126,333 59 5/6/23 1:13:04 PM
Exodus 550 135 9,999 550 938 1,227 464 96,693 103 2/28/23 4:07:03 AM
Famfrit 1,499 708 1,900 1,499 1,777 278 1,781 158,234 89 4/28/24 5:02:38 PM
Hyperion 999 145 1,205 999 1,248 778 1,390 54,916 44 2/1/24 2:18:11 AM
Lamia 1,050 301 2,100 1,050 878 727 1,200 12,294 14 9/13/23 9:07:03 AM
Leviathan 1,260 36 1,260 1,500 1,406 517 1,500 66,106 47 10/10/22 9:03:27 PM
Ultros 490 66 800 490 4,469 1,287 1,071 406,766 91 1/31/25 11:33:59 PM