Swallowskin Fingerless Gloves

Server: Famfrit

Last Updated: 6/26/23 1:27:14 AM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 390
More Information

Gathering info:

2 84,427 84,427 84,428 84,428 84,428 1 2.00

Level 80 Leatherworker Recipe for Swallowskin Fingerless Gloves

Wind Crystal 7 60 420 5/25/24 5:30:12 AM
Earth Crystal 7 60 420 5/25/24 5:30:37 AM
Sea Swallow Leather 2 2,200 4,400 4/26/24 12:03:45 AM
Dwarven Cotton 1 6,666 6,666 11/6/24 9:45:02 PM
Dwarven Cotton Thread 1 318 318 6/7/23 6:58:42 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 12,224

Profit/Loss Normal = 37,776

Profit/Loss HQ = 85,775

Current Prices

Price History

Famfrit Cross Server Data for Swallowskin Fingerless Gloves on Primal

Behemoth 84,397 13 84,397 0 90,854 31 84,397 1,453,668 16 1/10/22 8:23:12 AM
Excalibur 24,290 2 24,290 59,999 40,315 60,138 24,289 201,577 5 3/22/22 8:24:45 PM
Exodus 20,000 5 20,000 0 20,698 64,428 20,000 413,979 20 1/15/22 3:28:58 PM
Famfrit 84,427 2 84,427 0 84,428 1 84,428 84,428 1 6/26/23 1:27:14 AM
Hyperion 73,867 1 73,867 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/23/23 12:32:41 PM
Lamia 94,741 3 94,741 0 24,995 -10,313 24,990 74,987 3 6/10/22 2:38:47 PM
Leviathan 115,500 1 115,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/29/23 6:36:30 AM
Ultros 25,198 1 25,198 0 66,999 59,230 110,000 267,998 4 2/25/23 6:27:38 AM