Persimmon Lumber

Server: Famfrit

Last Updated: 6/5/24 6:34:27 AM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 10
More Information

Gathering info:

168 500 1,000 500 1,459 800 132,803 91 1.80

Level 66 Carpenter Recipe for Persimmon Lumber

Wind Crystal 5 60 300 5/25/24 5:30:12 AM
Persimmon Log 4 2 8 5/25/24 9:15:01 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 308

Profit/Loss Normal = 492

Profit/Loss HQ = 802

Current Prices

Price History

Famfrit Cross Server Data for Persimmon Lumber on Primal

Behemoth 900 265 997 900 1,116 559 500 360,541 323 2/8/23 3:18:53 AM
Excalibur 210 815 1,011 210 661 1,249 10 50,969 77 5/6/23 1:10:44 PM
Exodus 390 70 599 390 682 1,069 600 106,398 156 7/17/23 8:27:01 PM
Famfrit 500 168 1,000 500 1,459 959 800 132,803 91 6/5/24 6:34:27 AM
Hyperion 150 275 498 150 392 1,309 300 5,107 13 3/4/23 6:19:50 PM
Lamia 15 346 20,011 15 838 1,444 275 64,555 77 12/2/22 3:25:34 AM
Leviathan 204 266 205 204 356 1,255 278 17,479 49 3/1/23 2:00:16 PM
Ultros 284 275 500 284 493 1,175 283 68,621 139 1/18/23 6:29:43 AM