Adamantite Pauldroncoat of Maiming

Server: Famfrit

Last Updated: 6/5/21 9:24:51 PM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 353
More Information

Gathering info:

13 2,500 2,500 4,200 2,370 1,500 9,480 4 3.20

Level 60 Armorer Recipe for Adamantite Pauldroncoat of Maiming

Aurum Regis Nugget 2 449 898 11/10/24 2:26:06 PM
Adamantite Ingot 3 15 45 5/28/24 7:25:37 AM
Griffin Leather 1 8 8 9/10/23 9:37:20 PM
Grade 2 Strength Dissolvent 2 179 358 2/15/22 11:41:55 PM
Landborne Aethersand 3 419 1,257 5/25/24 5:36:34 AM
Ice Cluster 2 21 42 5/25/24 5:33:03 AM
Earth Cluster 2 104 208 5/25/24 5:33:31 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,816

Profit/Loss Normal = 37,184

Profit/Loss HQ = 47,184

Current Prices

Price History

Famfrit Cross Server Data for Adamantite Pauldroncoat of Maiming on Primal

Behemoth 2,775 17 2,777 2,775 2,855 -405 2,711 5,711 2 4/16/22 9:47:55 PM
Excalibur 652 23 1,467 652 1,679 1,718 2,599 31,916 19 10/27/21 5:46:09 AM
Exodus 1,200 11 1,200 1,200 890 1,170 890 890 1 4/25/22 12:16:39 AM
Famfrit 2,500 13 2,500 4,200 2,370 -130 1,500 9,480 4 6/5/21 9:24:51 PM
Hyperion 4,300 5 4,300 0 2,187 -1,930 2,389 8,748 4 5/31/22 5:45:08 AM
Lamia 2,997 10 2,998 2,997 0 0 0 0 0 5/13/23 12:15:26 PM
Leviathan 3,150 14 5,198 3,150 0 0 0 0 0 3/30/23 5:51:05 PM
Ultros 1,999 5 1,999 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 2/6/25 3:05:28 AM