Thavnairian Sandals

Server: Famfrit

Last Updated: 9/24/23 5:24:40 PM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

7 190,000 194,999 190,000 196,836 196,999 1,181,017 6 1.20

Level 60 Leatherworker Recipe for Thavnairian Sandals

Aurum Regis Nugget 1 449 449 11/10/24 2:26:06 PM
Crawler Silk 1 495 495 6/5/24 7:48:06 AM
Thavnairian Leather 2 78,744 157,488 5/22/23 6:49:16 AM
Dawnborne Aethersand 1 1,900 1,900 5/25/24 5:36:32 AM
Wind Cluster 1 140 140 5/25/24 5:33:19 AM
Earth Cluster 2 104 208 5/25/24 5:33:31 AM
Rubber 1 60 60 6/1/24 9:55:02 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 160,740

Profit/Loss Normal = 34,260

Profit/Loss HQ = 36,259

Desynthesizes into:

Aurum Regis Nugget
Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Famfrit Cross Server Data for Thavnairian Sandals on Primal

Behemoth 125,998 7 149,100,000 125,998 114,109 70,838 119,997 2,053,979 18 2/24/23 8:03:43 PM
Excalibur 209,996 8 209,996 209,999 124,831 -13,160 149,998 748,990 6 2/25/23 5:20:29 AM
Exodus 325,000 21 344,998 325,000 485,082 -128,164 395,000 5,820,990 12 7/23/22 9:09:06 PM
Famfrit 190,000 7 194,999 190,000 196,836 6,836 196,999 1,181,017 6 9/24/23 5:24:40 PM
Hyperion 146,800 16 147,898 146,800 148,798 50,036 147,899 297,597 2 2/8/25 3:47:39 AM
Lamia 400,000 2 0 400,000 202,276 -203,164 300,000 1,820,490 9 2/2/24 8:48:30 AM
Leviathan 116,025 14 130,182 116,025 111,774 80,811 110,899 558,870 5 2/22/23 5:43:40 PM
Ultros 174,300 9 176,398 174,300 179,812 22,536 167,997 899,061 5 9/13/23 9:50:03 AM