Linen Yarn

Server: Faerie

Last Updated: 9/19/23 6:57:08 AM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

667 342 782 342 455 700 379,072 833 0.80

Level 32 Weaver Recipe for Linen Yarn

Flax 2 198 396 2/1/24 1:06:13 AM
Lightning Shard 2 75 150 10/13/24 4:14:02 PM

Total Price to Craft 2 : 546

Profit/Loss Normal = 77

Profit/Loss HQ = 427

Current Prices

Price History

Faerie Cross Server Data for Linen Yarn on Aether

Adamantoise 99 1,617 100 99 125 356 50 61,142 488 6/22/24 12:59:16 AM
Cactuar 191 782 191 194 216 264 182 13,658 63 1/31/24 5:09:19 AM
Faerie 342 667 782 342 455 113 700 379,072 833 9/19/23 6:57:08 AM
Gilgamesh 10 672 148 10 83 445 70 6,705 80 10/23/24 12:06:18 AM
Jenova 216 865 217 216 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 5:38:55 AM
Midgardsormr 118 914 500 118 107 337 502 26,437 245 2/15/25 7:53:19 PM
Sargatanas 250 439 295 250 247 205 200 73,122 296 10/19/23 12:17:36 AM
Siren 600 225 855 600 669 -145 1,000 65,654 98 10/1/23 5:11:05 AM