Indagator's Necklace of Gathering

Server: Faerie

Last Updated: 10/13/24 4:27:44 PM
Search Category: Necklaces | Item Category: Necklace | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

6 72,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 1 6.00

Level 90 Leatherworker Recipe for Indagator's Necklace of Gathering

Wind Cluster 5 155 775 6/19/24 12:14:53 AM
Earth Cluster 5 1 5 10/13/24 4:25:30 PM
Titanoboa Leather 2 5,800 11,600 1/24/24 2:35:13 PM
Bayberry Cloth 2 3,998 7,996 10/16/24 11:53:14 PM
Zoisite 2 6,999 13,998 6/4/24 5:56:23 AM
Gripgel 2 7,553 15,106 9/12/23 10:11:32 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 49,480

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 22,520

Current Prices

Price History

Faerie Cross Server Data for Indagator's Necklace of Gathering on Aether

Adamantoise 498,594 14 498,594 525,000 0 0 0 0 0 10/4/23 6:27:38 AM
Cactuar 103,019 34 103,019 0 118,536 -31,019 98,315 2,489,257 21 2/28/23 8:37:27 PM
Faerie 72,000 6 72,000 0 72,000 0 72,000 72,000 1 10/13/24 4:27:44 PM
Gilgamesh 119,421 18 119,421 122,237 121,421 -47,421 119,457 2,428,434 20 6/24/24 11:51:04 PM
Jenova 139,805 7 139,805 0 207,649 -67,805 139,804 4,152,983 20 5/27/24 10:58:25 AM
Midgardsormr 249,993 5 249,993 0 235,388 -177,993 249,997 4,943,162 21 1/31/24 2:37:02 AM
Sargatanas 109,654 15 109,654 0 129,982 -37,654 109,654 2,599,640 20 2/16/23 11:54:29 PM
Siren 133,337 28 133,337 0 156,608 -61,337 127,494 2,349,134 15 2/28/23 5:11:59 AM