Diadochos Wristband of Healing

Server: Exodus

Last Updated: 6/18/24 6:16:38 PM
Search Category: Bracelets | Item Category: Bracelets | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

7 497,970 497,970 113,783 93,508 2,275,678 20 0.30

Level 90 Goldsmith Recipe for Diadochos Wristband of Healing

Fire Cluster 3 22 66 3/4/23 4:27:17 PM
Wind Cluster 3 114 342 6/20/23 7:45:52 PM
Chondrite Ingot 1 672 672 10/5/23 5:56:13 AM
Earthbreak Aethersand 1 1,287 1,287 2/28/23 10:45:38 AM
Softsilver Ingot 1 22,827 22,827 9/13/23 2:56:48 AM
Spodumene 1 0 0
Grade 8 Mind Alkahest 1 0 0

Total Price to Craft 1 : 25,194

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 68,314

Current Prices

Price History

Exodus Cross Server Data for Diadochos Wristband of Healing on Primal

Behemoth 138,269 14 138,269 0 90,650 -24,486 138,276 1,813,000 20 9/14/23 8:14:50 PM
Excalibur 78,478 23 78,478 99,999 78,881 35,305 78,485 1,577,626 20 9/14/23 8:13:49 PM
Exodus 497,970 7 497,970 0 113,783 -384,187 93,508 2,275,678 20 6/18/24 6:16:38 PM
Famfrit 30,296 7 34,498 30,296 17,043 83,487 30,000 187,480 11 11/6/24 9:42:45 PM
Hyperion 136,493 23 136,493 137,549 136,050 -22,710 129,994 1,088,402 8 10/8/23 2:27:07 AM
Lamia 83,940 12 83,940 0 127,825 29,843 83,947 2,556,511 20 9/14/23 8:17:56 PM
Leviathan 70,695 25 70,695 0 107,041 43,088 70,776 2,890,107 27 1/4/24 2:36:27 AM
Ultros 73,999 20 73,999 0 91,550 39,784 74,955 1,831,014 20 9/14/23 8:19:37 PM