Factory Interior Wall

Server: Exodus

Last Updated: 5/16/22 9:18:27 PM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Interior Wall | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

43 5,940 5,940 7,832 8,221 39,164 5 8.60

Level 80 Armorer Recipe for Factory Interior Wall

Earth Crystal 7 11 77 3/4/23 4:24:03 PM
Dwarven Mythril Ingot 12 1,939 23,268 2/3/23 7:09:15 AM
Weathering Agent 2 514 1,028 4/24/23 11:52:51 PM
Cobalt Plate 4 2,999 11,996 9/13/23 4:39:56 PM
Ice Crystal 7 34 238 10/6/24 12:16:05 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 36,607

Profit/Loss Normal = -28,457

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Exodus Cross Server Data for Factory Interior Wall on Primal

Behemoth 4,667 19 0 4,667 5,329 3,165 4,000 69,277 13 2/28/23 8:11:54 PM
Excalibur 2,400 21 0 2,400 2,321 5,432 2,400 34,827 15 8/4/23 3:18:30 PM
Exodus 5,940 43 0 5,940 7,832 1,892 8,221 39,164 5 5/16/22 9:18:27 PM
Famfrit 5,408 22 0 5,408 5,809 2,424 5,150 29,046 5 2/20/23 4:23:05 PM
Hyperion 2,216 42 0 2,216 2,669 5,616 2,125 8,009 3 3/1/23 3:26:35 PM
Lamia 4,122 27 0 4,122 3,903 3,710 3,900 19,518 5 2/19/23 9:11:23 AM
Leviathan 934 46 0 934 2,006 6,898 940 20,068 10 7/3/22 7:51:11 PM
Ultros 7,467 18 0 7,467 4,564 365 6,000 68,465 15 2/24/23 7:03:06 AM