Competent Craftsman's Syrup

Server: Exodus

Last Updated: 2/28/23 10:38:27 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 185
More Information

Gathering info:

64 361 3,150 361 1,509 345 57,369 38 1.70

Level 75 Alchemist Recipe for Competent Craftsman's Syrup

Lightning Crystal 6 51 306 2/23/23 2:26:07 AM
Water Crystal 7 60 420 6/21/24 5:33:42 PM
Kudzu Root 2 250 500 4/23/23 3:59:13 PM
Vampire Cup Vine 2 473 946 3/1/23 5:58:37 AM
Sweet Alyssum 2 365 730 2/27/23 8:39:11 PM
Highland Spring Water 1 52 52 5/8/23 7:55:04 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,954

Profit/Loss Normal = -795

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,015

Current Prices

Price History

Exodus Cross Server Data for Competent Craftsman's Syrup on Primal

Behemoth 284 36 0 284 406 1,225 410 4,877 12 2/20/23 5:10:22 PM
Excalibur 209 239 3,150 209 1,490 1,300 199 37,252 25 6/15/22 6:44:03 AM
Exodus 361 64 3,150 361 1,509 1,148 345 57,369 38 2/28/23 10:38:27 PM
Famfrit 379 95 510 379 594 1,130 2,204 31,493 53 4/18/24 5:51:50 PM
Hyperion 195 65 1,050 195 0 0 0 0 0 2/27/23 8:36:46 AM
Lamia 283 213 5,250 283 186 1,226 150 2,056 11 6/14/22 12:09:27 AM
Leviathan 179 167 179 180 341 1,330 185 3,751 11 1/2/24 3:42:32 AM
Ultros 120 64 150 120 0 0 0 0 0 12/8/22 5:49:03 AM