Ruby Cotton Robe of Casting

Server: Exodus

Last Updated: 2/27/23 11:30:53 PM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 520
More Information

Gathering info:

3 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 63 Weaver Recipe for Ruby Cotton Robe of Casting

Wind Crystal 3 60 180 10/6/24 12:18:19 PM
Lightning Crystal 4 51 204 2/23/23 2:26:07 AM
Koppranickel Nugget 1 250 250 6/19/24 6:38:38 AM
Ruby Cotton Cloth 3 735 2,205 2/27/23 5:02:23 PM
Ruby Cotton Yarn 1 730 730 6/17/23 4:59:43 AM
Gyuki Leather 1 250 250 3/7/23 5:17:34 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,819

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,081

Profit/Loss HQ = 41,171

Current Prices

Price History

Exodus Cross Server Data for Ruby Cotton Robe of Casting on Primal

Behemoth 23,995 7 23,995 0 17,535 -23,995 14,499 35,071 2 1/3/23 12:20:47 AM
Excalibur 32,100 4 32,100 0 22,392 -32,100 27,000 89,568 4 6/15/23 12:35:41 AM
Exodus 30,000 3 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/27/23 11:30:53 PM
Famfrit 42,477 4 42,477 0 36,797 -42,477 38,000 183,989 5 6/28/23 5:40:13 PM
Hyperion 38,740 9 38,740 0 44,592 -38,740 41,790 133,778 3 6/22/22 1:22:59 AM
Lamia 3,000 8 3,000 0 2,060 -3,000 572 12,362 6 4/1/22 5:09:55 AM
Leviathan 32,100 4 32,100 0 15,574 -32,100 22,900 77,872 5 6/4/23 7:46:18 AM
Ultros 50,000 5 50,000 0 24,020 -50,000 30,000 168,142 7 6/27/21 7:59:25 PM