Archaeornis Leather

Server: Exodus

Last Updated: 9/21/23 11:51:24 AM
Search Category: Leather | Item Category: Leather | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

135 1,948 2,100 1,948 1,468 1,999 204,187 139 1.00

Level 51 Leatherworker Recipe for Archaeornis Leather

Earth Crystal 3 58 174 2/1/25 11:52:42 PM
Archaeornis Skin 3 830 2,490 5/22/23 8:46:06 PM
Coerthan Tea Leaves 1 483 483 9/20/23 5:59:55 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,147

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,147

Profit/Loss HQ = -1,148

51 Mythrite Katzbalger
51 Mythrite War Axe
51 Mythrite Trident
51 Mythrite Pugiones
58 Adamantite Knives
51 Mythrite Claymore
51 Cedar Crook
60 Birch Rod
51 Archaeoskin Grimoire
51 Archaeoskin Codex
51 Mythrite Scutum
51 Mythrite Sallet of Fending
51 Mythrite Hauberk of Fending
51 Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending
52 Wyvernskin Gloves of Fending
51 Archaeoskin Breeches of Fending
51 Mythrite Sabatons of Fending
53 Wyvernskin Boots of Fending
51 Mythrite Sallet of Maiming
53 Wyvernskin Pot Helm of Maiming
51 Mythrite Hauberk of Maiming
51 Mythrite Gauntlets of Maiming
51 Archaeoskin Breeches of Maiming
51 Mythrite Sabatons of Maiming
53 Wyvernskin Eyepatch of Striking
51 Rainbow Bolero of Striking
51 Archaeoskin Gloves of Striking
51 Rainbow Culottes of Striking
51 Archaeoskin Boots of Striking
53 Wyvernskin Boots of Striking
51 Rainbow Robe of Aiming
51 Archaeoskin Gloves of Aiming
60 Griffin Leather Gloves of Aiming
51 Rainbow Slops of Aiming
51 Archaeoskin Shoes of Aiming
51 Rainbow Shirt of Scouting
51 Rainbow Sarouel of Scouting
51 Archaeoskin Boots of Scouting
51 Rainbow Robe of Healing
51 Archaeoskin Gloves of Healing
51 Rainbow Slops of Healing
51 Archaeoskin Shoes of Healing
51 Rainbow Robe of Casting
51 Archaeoskin Gloves of Casting
51 Rainbow Slops of Casting
51 Archaeoskin Shoes of Casting
58 Aurum Regis Bracelet of Fending
58 Aurum Regis Bracelet of Slaying
58 Aurum Regis Bracelet of Aiming
58 Aurum Regis Bracelet of Healing
58 Aurum Regis Bracelet of Casting
52 Mythrite Halfheart Saw
52 Mythrite Round Knife
52 Mythrite Hatchet
51 Mythrite Goggles of Crafting
52 Archaeoskin Jackcoat of Crafting
51 Archaeoskin Gloves of Crafting
52 Archaeoskin Breeches of Crafting
52 Archaeoskin Jackboots of Crafting
51 Mythrite Goggles of Gathering
52 Archaeoskin Jackcoat of Gathering
51 Archaeoskin Gloves of Gathering
52 Archaeoskin Breeches of Gathering
52 Archaeoskin Jackboots of Gathering
60 Chivalric Coat of Fending
60 Chivalric Coat of Maiming
60 Hammermaster's Work Gloves
60 Gemmaster's Trousers
60 Hidemaster's Cap
51 Archaeoskin Boots
51 Archaeoskin Cloche
51 Archaeoskin Halfboots
50 Rarefied Mythrite Katzbalger
52 Rarefied Mythrite Pugiones
54 Rarefied Mythrite Halfheart Saw
50 Rarefied Mythrite Sallet
52 Rarefied Mythrite Hauberk
50 Rarefied Mythrite Goggles
50 Rarefied Archaeoskin Belt
52 Rarefied Archaeoskin Cloche
50 Rarefied Rainbow Bolero
50 Rarefied Archaeoskin Grimoire
52 Rarefied Archaeoskin Codex

Current Prices

Price History

Exodus Cross Server Data for Archaeornis Leather on Primal

Behemoth 2,300 90 3,000 2,300 2,002 -832 2,002 98,109 49 4/28/24 2:06:36 PM
Excalibur 4,200 9 6,300 4,200 1,510 -2,732 2,002 7,551 5 10/6/23 5:57:46 AM
Exodus 1,948 135 2,100 1,948 1,468 -480 1,999 204,187 139 9/21/23 11:51:24 AM
Famfrit 3,000 377 3,500 3,000 3,726 -1,532 3,693 182,617 49 11/5/23 2:14:53 PM
Hyperion 1,722 64 6,999 1,722 3,501 -254 2,012 441,151 126 6/5/24 1:53:00 AM
Lamia 3,611 102 3,618 3,611 3,806 -2,143 3,999 727,056 191 3/2/23 11:51:41 PM
Leviathan 2,620 52 3,045 2,620 2,389 -1,152 2,350 57,357 24 2/20/23 8:05:04 PM
Ultros 1,992 101 2,098 1,992 2,138 -524 1,900 74,841 35 10/6/23 8:50:41 PM