Boar Leather

Server: Excalibur

Last Updated: 9/13/23 5:42:33 AM
Search Category: Leather | Item Category: Leather | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

582 944 944 1,047 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 33 Leatherworker Recipe for Boar Leather

Earth Shard 4 47 188 2/23/25 2:34:05 AM
Boar Hide 1 372 372 6/30/23 1:35:46 PM
Alumen 1 401 401 5/14/23 3:47:37 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 961

Profit/Loss Normal = 38

Profit/Loss HQ = 339

42 Cobalt Katzbalger
33 Boarskin Himantes
42 Cobalt Knuckles
39 Spiked Mythril Labrys
38 Mythril Lance
44 Cobalt Halberd
42 Lightning Brand
45 Eagle-crested Round Shield
36 Wrapped Steel Claw Hammer
38 Wrapped Crowsbeak Hammer
42 Cobalt Cross-pein Hammer
45 Wrapped Hawksbeak Hammer
40 Mythril File
48 Egret Dolabra
33 Wrapped Steel Sledgehammer
49 Horned Hatchet
35 Wrapped Steel Scythe
37 Boarskin Pot Helm
40 Mythril Elmo
42 Ranger's Hat
44 Cobalt Preserves
49 Cobalt Mesail
45 Rainmaker's Hat
50 Cobalt Chain Coif
50 Armorer's Visor
50 Alchemist's Monocle
37 Boarskin Harness
40 Horn Scale Mail
42 Linen Doublet
39 Peisteskin Harness
43 Boarskin Jerkin
45 Tortoiseshell Scale Mail
44 Raptorskin Harness
45 Rainmaker's Tunic
50 Cobalt Haubergeon
47 Raptorskin Jerkin
47 Vintage Robe
48 Felt Bliaud
50 Armorer's Gown
50 Militia Harness
35 Heavy Steel Flanchard
37 Boarskin Subligar
38 Boarskin Breeches
39 Linen Gaskins
39 Padded Linen Trousers
42 Linen Slops
42 Woolen Kecks
41 Boarskin Skirt
41 Boarskin Culottes
43 Woolen Trousers
47 Felt Gaskins
33 Fingerless Boarskin Gloves
34 Fingerless Boarskin Gloves of Gathering
36 Boarskin Ringbands
35 Steel Mitt Gauntlets
38 Horn Scale Fingers
41 Mythril Vambraces
38 Fingerless Peisteskin Gloves
39 Fingerless Peisteskin Gloves of Gathering
40 Boarskin Smithy's Gloves
42 Woolen Bracers
43 Woolen Halfgloves
43 Fingerless Raptorskin Gloves
44 Fingerless Raptorskin Gloves of Gathering
44 Cobalt Vambraces
46 Felt Bracers
45 Felt Halfgloves
46 Felt Work Gloves
39 Vintage Smithy's Gloves
50 Cobalt Gauntlets
35 Boarskin Crakows
35 Boarskin Crakows of Gathering
35 Steel-plated Caligae
39 Mythril Sabatons
40 Boarskin Duckbills
41 Mythril-plated Jackboots
39 Boarskin Thighboots
41 Boarskin Moccasins
39 Oak Pattens
42 Boarskin Workboots
46 Raptorskin Thighboots
47 Hunting Moccasins
50 Cobalt Sollerets
48 Mahogany Pattens
50 Cobalt Sabatons
36 Boarskin Wristbands
36 Boarskin Wristbands of Gathering
35 Wolf Earrings
43 Red Coral Earrings
34 Boarskin Choker
39 Boarskin Ring
36 Oasis Banner
40 Glade Rug
40 Sheep Rug
50 Glacial Coat
50 Carbuncle Round Table
50 Carbuncle Chair
50 Sailor Shirt
50 Stuffed Goblin
34 Steel Zweihander
38 Mythril-barreled Carbine
50 Uraeus Body Armor
50 Uraeus Breeches
35 Extreme Survival Slops
35 Boarskin Survival Hat
35 Linen Survival Halfslops
35 Boarskin Survival Boots
35 Altered Boarskin Thighboots
37 Altered Boarskin Pot Helm
42 Altered Woolen Hat
42 Altered Woolen Bracers
43 Altered Woolen Trousers
40 Altered Mythril Elmo
50 Altered Cobalt Gauntlets
50 Altered Cobalt Sabatons
48 Altered Felt Robe
47 Felt Breeches

Current Prices

Price History

Excalibur Cross Server Data for Boar Leather on Primal

Behemoth 933 572 933 1,024 1,008 -933 2,800 527,391 523 2/28/23 4:59:57 PM
Excalibur 944 582 944 1,047 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 5:42:33 AM
Exodus 979 285 1,500 979 1,119 -979 980 142,150 127 7/17/23 8:18:46 PM
Famfrit 500 946 748 500 1,033 -500 950 133,329 129 5/25/24 2:40:47 PM
Hyperion 1,800 129 9,998 1,800 2,706 -1,800 9,999 156,998 58 2/11/25 3:19:07 PM
Lamia 840 239 1,061 840 1,137 -840 800 81,920 72 2/26/23 5:03:57 PM
Leviathan 578 246 1,260 578 548 -578 500 14,248 26 9/12/23 10:14:02 PM
Ultros 401 546 1,849 401 849 -401 748 123,195 145 10/12/24 6:39:57 PM