Northern Sea Salt

Server: Excalibur

Last Updated: 1/9/24 5:46:24 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

1301 149 149 150 840 149 659,844 785 1.70

Level 81 Culinarian Recipe for Northern Sea Salt

Sharlayan Rock Salt 6 399 2,394 10/29/23 6:56:26 PM
Fire Crystal 8 65 520 2/22/25 5:52:13 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,914

Profit/Loss Normal = -471

Profit/Loss HQ = -822

Current Prices

Price History

Excalibur Cross Server Data for Northern Sea Salt on Primal

Behemoth 699 418 777 699 529 141 740 334,790 632 2/26/23 8:51:36 PM
Excalibur 149 1,301 149 150 840 691 149 659,844 785 1/9/24 5:46:24 AM
Exodus 782 321 4,199 782 4,787 58 750 1,977,194 413 2/22/23 2:45:18 AM
Famfrit 599 1,260 599 990 1,002 241 750 531,301 530 4/20/24 12:13:40 PM
Hyperion 625 235 1,500 625 774 215 1,250 257,958 333 2/13/25 3:33:48 PM
Lamia 899 577 1,000 899 724 -59 970 618,556 854 2/20/23 6:27:47 AM
Leviathan 838 657 838 838 845 2 700 271,382 321 2/26/23 3:47:28 AM
Ultros 312 780 944 312 473 528 299 27,491 58 2/19/23 10:17:46 AM