Loft Bed

Server: Excalibur

Last Updated: 5/15/23 11:57:35 PM
Search Category: Chairs and Beds | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

17 1,000 1,000 2,259 2,197 20,339 9 1.90

Level 86 Carpenter Recipe for Loft Bed

Wind Crystal 8 91 728 2/23/25 2:35:43 AM
White Oak Lumber 6 445 2,670 2/21/23 6:12:39 AM
Ironwood Lumber 7 1,995 13,965 9/13/23 4:58:47 PM
Moon Gel 3 512 1,536 7/16/23 6:00:58 AM
Ice Crystal 8 64 512 2/23/25 2:36:00 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 19,411

Profit/Loss Normal = -16,911

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Excalibur Cross Server Data for Loft Bed on Primal

Behemoth 3,900 22 0 3,900 4,455 -1,641 4,453 13,365 3 6/18/23 12:13:35 AM
Excalibur 1,000 17 0 1,000 2,259 1,259 2,197 20,339 9 5/15/23 11:57:35 PM
Exodus 5,124 22 0 5,124 3,807 -2,865 4,779 19,035 5 2/24/23 12:01:52 AM
Famfrit 5,250 19 0 5,250 4,327 -2,991 4,390 43,273 10 6/11/22 11:40:57 AM
Hyperion 2,688 35 0 2,688 1,261 -429 2,989 22,699 18 6/25/22 7:58:10 PM
Lamia 2,939 31 0 2,939 2,800 -680 2,910 28,002 10 9/19/23 12:16:00 AM
Leviathan 7,402 14 0 7,402 5,014 -5,143 5,000 50,143 10 2/25/23 5:59:53 PM
Ultros 5,345 23 0 5,345 3,893 -3,086 4,000 19,469 5 2/19/23 12:20:54 AM