Art Showcase

Server: Excalibur

Last Updated: 6/8/23 5:48:20 AM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

33 3,826 3,826 3,990 3,990 3,990 1 33.00

Level 80 Alchemist Recipe for Art Showcase

Lightning Crystal 28 56 1,568 9/10/24 12:45:35 AM
Water Crystal 28 48 1,344 11/5/24 1:09:45 PM
Grade 1 Picture Frame 3 14,999 44,997 4/20/22 8:47:51 AM
Enchanted Dimythrite Ink 3 3,674 11,022 2/24/23 5:59:13 AM
Showcase 1 1,900 1,900 10/18/21 1:42:53 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 60,831

Profit/Loss Normal = -56,841

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Water Crystal
Lightning Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Excalibur Cross Server Data for Art Showcase on Primal

Behemoth 3,549 20 0 3,549 2,867 441 3,000 28,671 10 9/16/23 5:06:11 PM
Excalibur 3,826 33 0 3,826 3,990 164 3,990 3,990 1 6/8/23 5:48:20 AM
Exodus 6,668 8 0 6,668 4,531 -2,678 6,750 31,723 7 5/18/23 1:37:24 AM
Famfrit 2,695 24 0 2,695 2,112 1,295 2,500 25,348 12 5/5/24 4:14:26 PM
Hyperion 7,444 10 0 7,444 7,446 -3,454 7,399 37,234 5 2/13/24 1:14:51 AM
Lamia 3,804 33 0 3,804 6,889 186 6,889 6,889 1 5/17/23 10:35:16 PM
Leviathan 10,289 6 0 10,289 6,235 -6,299 8,000 43,649 7 5/24/23 5:19:25 AM
Ultros 3,674 26 0 3,674 3,624 316 3,748 7,248 2 6/7/23 6:49:32 PM