Purpure Bead

Server: Excalibur

Last Updated: 5/6/23 5:41:36 PM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 7
More Information

Gathering info:

99 320 380 320 405 375 30,416 75 1.30

Level 80 Goldsmith Recipe for Purpure Bead

Fire Cluster 2 132 264 4/23/24 1:06:54 AM
Wind Cluster 2 121 242 9/13/23 4:56:03 PM
Purpure Shell Chip 4 700 2,800 5/1/22 8:40:25 PM
Workbench Resin 2 53 106 5/8/23 12:46:18 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,412

Profit/Loss Normal = -3,237

Profit/Loss HQ = -2,424

Current Prices

Price History

Excalibur Cross Server Data for Purpure Bead on Primal

Behemoth 73 119 525 73 255 332 398 8,436 33 2/27/23 3:08:22 PM
Excalibur 320 99 380 320 405 85 375 30,416 75 5/6/23 5:41:36 PM
Exodus 199 93 379 199 332 206 607 13,645 41 4/25/23 1:08:12 AM
Famfrit 879 48 0 879 751 -474 900 18,790 25 10/23/23 6:57:02 AM
Hyperion 7 93 8 7 169 398 200 11,164 66 2/2/24 3:23:13 AM
Lamia 404 105 409 404 0 0 0 0 0 10/3/23 9:52:35 AM
Leviathan 459 101 507 459 0 0 0 0 0 2/13/23 8:58:00 PM
Ultros 247 24 299 247 316 158 247 8,224 26 5/1/23 5:44:54 AM