Pixie Cotton

Server: Excalibur

Last Updated: 5/4/23 11:49:00 PM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

320 399 1,400 399 1,230 699 97,170 79 4.10

Level 74 Weaver Recipe for Pixie Cotton

Lightning Crystal 4 87 348 2/23/25 2:36:19 AM
Pixie Floss 3 795 2,385 10/29/23 6:54:01 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,733

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,729

Profit/Loss HQ = 267

75 Atrociraptorskin Breeches of Fending
75 Atrociraptorskin Breeches of Maiming
74 Pixie Cotton Hat of Striking
75 Pixie Cotton Acton of Striking
74 Pixie Cotton Sleeves of Striking
75 Pixie Cotton Culottes of Striking
74 Atrociraptorskin Thighboots of Striking
74 Atrociraptorskin Armguard of Aiming
75 Pixie Cotton Brais of Aiming
74 Atrociraptorskin Leg Guards of Aiming
74 Atrociraptorskin Armguard of Scouting
75 Pixie Cotton Brais of Scouting
74 Atrociraptorskin Leg Guards of Scouting
74 Pixie Cotton Hood of Healing
75 Pixie Cotton Robe of Healing
75 Pixie Cotton Slops of Healing
75 Atrociraptorskin Coat of Casting
75 Pixie Cotton Slops of Casting
74 Bluespirit File
74 Pixie Cotton Hat of Crafting
74 Pixie Cotton Apron of Crafting
74 Pixie Cotton Sleeves of Crafting
74 Pixie Cotton Breeches of Crafting
74 Atrociraptorskin Boots of Crafting
74 Atrociraptorskin Vest of Gathering
74 Pixie Cotton Slops of Gathering
75 Manasilver Ear Cuffs
75 Manasilver Choker
75 Manasilver Bracelets
75 Manasilver Ring
75 Amaro Barding Repair Materials
75 Amaro Barding Repair Materials
75 Amaro Barding Repair Materials
80 Hooded Fireglass Leather Vest
80 Cropped Fireglass Leather Slops
80 Adventurer's Hooded Vest
78 Eulmoran Inner Wall
78 Enchanter's Stall
80 Skybuilders' Bed
80 Skybuilders' Overalls
80 Manor Dressing Table
80 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Bed
80 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Overalls
76 Rarefied Manasilver Ear Cuffs
76 Rarefied Pixie Cotton Hood
80 Crystarium Wardrobe

Current Prices

Price History

Excalibur Cross Server Data for Pixie Cotton on Primal

Behemoth 590 332 5,005 590 1,222 640 594 139,386 114 5/15/23 5:29:52 PM
Excalibur 399 320 1,400 399 1,230 831 699 97,170 79 5/4/23 11:49:00 PM
Exodus 693 427 2,805 693 1,051 537 12 93,554 89 6/15/24 9:53:09 PM
Famfrit 896 124 896 897 1,033 334 850 66,126 64 11/5/24 10:08:23 PM
Hyperion 2,467 84 7,349 2,467 2,908 -1,237 6,000 186,146 64 2/26/23 10:23:50 AM
Lamia 765 77 765 789 0 0 0 0 0 4/3/23 12:05:58 AM
Leviathan 1,259 361 4,408 1,259 2,405 -29 1,563 67,355 28 2/27/23 2:40:51 AM
Ultros 1,791 131 1,791 1,838 3,900 -561 1,000 397,870 102 2/25/23 3:16:25 PM