Bladed Steel Jig

Server: Excalibur

Last Updated: 12/13/23 1:02:30 AM
Search Category: Fishing Tackle | Item Category: Fishing Tackle | Sell price to vendor: 45
More Information

Gathering info:

6 10,000 10,000 13,022 15,000 26,045 2 3.00

Level 60 Goldsmith Recipe for Bladed Steel Jig

Wind Crystal 6 91 546 2/23/25 2:35:43 AM
Adamantite Nugget 1 3,500 3,500 5/21/23 1:46:35 AM
Cloud Mica Whetstone 1 2,100 2,100 2/23/23 7:32:33 AM
Fire Crystal 5 60 300 2/23/25 2:36:37 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 6,446

Profit/Loss Normal = 8,554

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Excalibur Cross Server Data for Bladed Steel Jig on Primal

Behemoth 14,700 40 0 14,700 15,794 -1,678 15,000 536,999 34 6/22/23 4:16:30 AM
Excalibur 10,000 6 0 10,000 13,022 3,022 15,000 26,045 2 12/13/23 1:02:30 AM
Exodus 26,250 95 0 26,250 3,653 -13,228 4,000 95,000 26 5/29/23 3:49:43 PM
Famfrit 10,000 18 0 10,000 11,918 3,022 15,000 441,000 37 8/14/21 7:17:17 AM
Hyperion 3,249 50 0 3,249 3,058 9,773 3,333 183,508 60 4/20/24 3:04:13 AM
Lamia 10,500 114 0 10,500 9,624 2,522 13,999 153,998 16 6/23/23 12:41:21 AM
Leviathan 10,499 93 0 10,499 13,999 2,523 14,000 279,980 20 6/7/23 5:51:34 AM
Ultros 12,489 10 0 12,489 10,609 533 9,000 180,364 17 6/26/23 10:59:15 PM