Holy Water

Server: Excalibur

Last Updated: 6/22/23 3:55:35 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

251 1,050 1,155 1,050 1,014 500 67,961 67 3.70

Level 52 Alchemist Recipe for Holy Water

Dravanian Spring Water 2 690 1,380 5/7/23 1:58:28 AM
Dravanian Mistletoe 2 500 1,000 4/26/22 1:14:24 AM
Water Crystal 3 63 189 2/16/25 7:50:16 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,569

Profit/Loss Normal = 144

Profit/Loss HQ = 543

Current Prices

Price History

Excalibur Cross Server Data for Holy Water on Primal

Behemoth 705 151 2,475 705 1,561 309 1,491 138,934 89 11/10/23 10:00:05 PM
Excalibur 1,050 251 1,155 1,050 1,014 -36 500 67,961 67 6/22/23 3:55:35 AM
Exodus 1,140 432 1,154 1,140 1,361 -126 1,165 106,196 78 6/18/23 5:00:04 PM
Famfrit 650 905 900 650 955 364 1,000 198,666 208 6/17/24 1:54:19 PM
Hyperion 3,140 309 3,148 3,140 3,105 -2,126 2,996 58,996 19 9/13/23 6:58:13 AM
Lamia 1,575 148 2,321 1,575 2,041 -561 2,980 100,040 49 6/27/23 1:41:58 AM
Leviathan 1,049 214 1,662 1,049 1,661 -35 1,588 29,908 18 6/9/23 5:22:45 AM
Ultros 1,050 97 1,575 1,050 2,309 -36 2,400 36,944 16 9/13/23 12:35:13 AM